
This is our Alberg 30 locked into the ice.
This is our Alberg 30 locked into the ice.

We live on a boat. We are a family of 4 – Ma, Pa, The Boy (3 1/2 yrs) and The Girl (8 months.) We live on Lake Ontario in the city of Missisauga. We are year round live aboards. Yes, we spend our Canadian winters aboard a boat … in Canada. Crazy Canucks we are!

We moved aboard our 1st boat in August of ’05. That was an Alberg 30 – a lovely boat, solid and ready to go anywhere. With 3 of us though, it was a tight fit. Once The Girl decided to show up, we came to the realization that it was going to be too small, so we purchased a big

The River Queen all wrapped up and ready for winter.
The River Queen all wrapped up and ready for winter.

steel ‘house-cruiser’ – a 40′ River Queen. It is basically a houseboat, but one that has a full hull and a partial keel instead of pontoons.That means we are able to go out on the lake in a little rougher weather and still be

OK, although we can’t verify those claims as we don’t go out at all unless it is dead calm … there’s just too much stuff on board to shake up if we are out in rough weather.

I (Pa) run my own little appliance repair business and go off to work everyday in my service truck to fix appliances for my

Both our live aboard boats - side by side.  Slight size difference!
Both our live aboard boats - side by side. Slight size difference!

customers. Ma is a homemaker and has her hands full taking care of The Boy and The Girl all while keeping the boat in ship shape. She also earns a nice little income from a website that she manages from the boat in her spare (or not so spare) time. Check it out at ScrapScene.com.

We love our life on the water, and right now would not trade it for anything. It has it’s particular issues like keeping The Boy safe, dealing with the waste in the holding tank, keeping the water tanks full, etc., but no different than living on land – just different problems.

I hope you enjoy our little blog – feel free to comment or ask questions – we would love to hear from you. Our Contact Page is Here.

That us on the upper deck.
That us on the upper deck.

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