
Break it to them Gently – The Slow Peel Method

When removing a Band-Aid, there are two schools of thought. One is the slow peel method, maybe using a bit of warm water. While the other (rather violent method) is the mighty rip. There are pro’s and con’s to both. The Mighty Rip is painful and usually removes some skin and hair but thankfully the pain is over quickly. The Slow Peel is more gentle and usually leaves most of the skin still on your body. However, the period of pain is much longer. When trying to figure out how to tell our parents that we were moving aboard a sailboat (and taking their only grandchild with us) we elected to use the Slow Peel method.

Initially, we did not talk about what we were going to do. (Truthfully, we were not absolutely sure in our minds either.) All we talked about was getting the house ready for sale. We had a lot of work to do upgrading the house and making some repairs that had been long left undone. With all the painting and landscaping and hiring of workers we managed to avoid the question of where we were going to go. As the time came closer for the house to go on the market we told everyone that we were going to bunk out on the boat for a while till we figured out what we were going to do. At that point, I suppose that in my mind we were going to stay on the boat for longer, but A. had not yet committed to it.

Once the house went on the market we went full speed ahead in preparing the boat for us to live aboard. We did a lot of sanding, painting and varnishing. I installed a refrigeration system and A.’s mother made up new seat and berth cushions for us.

As time went on we began to allude to the thought that we might even stay the winter aboard if everything went well. We spoke of it as our little adventure and tried to paint it up as a cool thing to do but I am sure that people thought we were crazy.

Once we actually moved aboard, it was a done deal. Everyone just knew that we were going to stay here for a while. Today, we call the boat, home – and it is a home. After all, home is where the heart is, and well, my heart is here.

And that is how to break it to them gently – the Slow Peel Method.

Next: 1st day in our new home.

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