
We Live on a Boat – Day 1

I remember laying in the v-berth that night with the weight of apparent impending doom on my chest. “What have I done” I asked myself over and over again. This is where I have brought my family? They trusted me, and this is what I do in return? These thoughts were equally offset however by the joy of knowing that I did not owe a cent to anyone. Debt free and loving it! (I found out how much I hated debt when I got rid of it.) Starting over, on a boat no less. Adventure and unknown – almost like being 20 again.

Hmmm – I wonder if this is what people call a mid-life crisis?

I don’t remember a lot of details from our first day on board. I seem to remember a lot of giddy, nervous, wild eyed laughter between A. and I. I think we spoke about how great it was to be free and clear of the house. How we were now able to do anything we wanted. We viewed our position as at a crossroads – we could go any direction we wanted. Which way to go?

But my most vivid memory of day 1 is the panic that I felt that night in the v-berth.

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