
This is Winter on a Boat

For all you wandering Stumblers that have been visiting, here is what living on a boat in winter in Canada looks like.

Last night when I went to bed it was -15 deg celsius and this morning it is -16. The area around our boat is open water still but the rest of the marina bay is frozen. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having open water right next to your hull is that it draws the geese and ducks. I’m not sure what was going on last night but there was an awful lot of splashing and quacking going on. Maybe that is what they have to do to keep warm – I don’t know. Anyway, I’ve go to go warm up my truck so I can head off to work. Welcome to winter.


  • Seadog

    Hi Strathy, we are getting really mild weather over in the UK (6-10C), so your minus 16C sounds a bit chilly! My little boat is still in the water (most are chocked up in the boatyard) so I will keep sailing through the winter in the far south-west of Wales. Good luck with the mid-life rethink!


  • Strathy

    Hi Seadog,

    You are a ‘lucky dog’ to still be sailing. I suppose that up to the last week or so we could still have been sailing – it just would have been bone crushing cold out there. Now there is no way of getting out of our slip – so we are in for the winter for sure. Thanks for the comment and enjoy a nice sail for us here in Canada.


  • ben

    Great stuff … glad im not up that far north. Here in NY we just hit sub 0*F for the first time this year. Love your fullhead room cover — very smart. I can barely crawl around under my cover!

  • Strathy

    Hi Ben,

    Nice blog – check it out at http://benjiwoodboat.wordpress.com

    I’m a six footer so I wanted some space to roam around in above deck in the winter – that is why we have the high frame. However, there is one drawback – windage. It’s like having a big sail up there blowing us around. If I did it again, I would have the high area over the cockpit only and have the rest of the boat cover lower down.


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