Weather,  Winter

Winter Snow Storm

Whew – we just got whacked again! On Friday we bundled up the family and headed off to my mother-in-laws home somewhat south of Ottawa. We arrived just as the snow started. It finally stopped snowing early this morning (Sunday.) Then the work began.

The first picture is of the snowplow stuck in the driveway.  He to be towed out. That’s our car buried in a drift to the left of his truck.

The second picture is The Boy playing on top of the cars in the driveway. Cool, eh?

Again – I have to say it … where is that global warming everyone keeps carrying on about?

Snow Storm 1

Snow Storm 2


  • The Baldchemist

    Global warming is causing a roof of cloud over the Earth. Sooner rather than later the Suns rays will not get through to the Earth. Then wait and see what sort of weather we will get.
    Here in Thailand the temperature has dropped 3-4 degrees from normal. The sea has risen 1 meter in the past 2 years. Thats where the global warming is.
    The Baldchemist

  • Lynn

    My husband and I live in Colorado and we have discussed living on a boat. So I googled your site and began to read with interest of your life and family. As I read I was smiling and then sort of horrified by your conditions at times and thought….No boat in Canada! Anyway, you have a wonderful family and the snowy owl was very cool….My best to you

  • Bryan

    Like many of those who comment it seems I found your site while looking for info on living aboard… in my case during retirement. Thanks for the blog. Keep the posts going!

    I am 51 and have a well paying job in radio and the arts, but am tired of the stress of it all. I look to retire in about 6 years, living a modest life financially, hopefully aboard a boat such as this….

    I wish you and your family well!


  • merryjazz

    Whew, what a snow! That is the same reason why many people temporarily relocate themselves in places where weather is people and vehicle-friendly. I am also wondering about that global warming because the weather here in our place is a little bit colder and it is also raining when it should not be…

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