Cold Weather on the Boat
We have been having some amazingly cold weather here for about a week. -20 deg C (-4 F) on and off for about 5 days. With the wind chill it has been as cold at -40 C (-40 F.) On days like that, even the geese have had the good sense to stay in bed. The back end of the boat is now frozen in solid with ice about 20 cm (8″) thick back there. The front of the boat is still clear from running the bubbler. Not sure how much help the bubbler is right now, but I might be able to melt out the back end of the boat with it and have the boat floating again. I really don’t like seeing my outdrives frozen in as I am afraid of what damage might be done. Howver, there is little I can do with this right now – so I will not worry about it … (now, if I could only convince my mind to stop worrying … lol.)
And tonight we are getting more. This is the current Weather Warning posted for the Toronto Area:
City of Toronto
12:42 PM EST Saturday 17 January 2009
Snowfall warning for City of Toronto issued15 centimetres of snowfall beginning this afternoon.
An approaching low pressure system will result in widespread snow for much of southern Ontario today, tonight and Sunday. Snow has already begun in southwestern Ontario and will spread eastward throughout the afternoon and evening. Current indications are that the greater Toronto area and regions surrounding it will receive the highest snowfall amounts, expected to be near 15 centimetres. The snow is expected to begin in these regions by late this afternoon and continue through the night before tapering off Sunday morning. The snowfall may be heavy at times and combined locally with blowing snow, resulting in occasionally very poor visibilities.
Here are a couple of photo’s – the sleeping geese and a snow storm blowing in off the lake on a -25 C morning from last week.

Ib Frohberg
Hey There !
Nice blogg, and truly interesting topics !
checked out from
earlyer posts. Looked like spring today !?
What is facsinating, is that You can live on a boat with
that poor insulating whitout going bankruptcy on
heatingbills. Here in Sweden it´s fairly expensiv and
You´r happy if the yearly bill ends on ca. 3000 us$
Keep the Good Spirit!
Ib Frohberg, Sweden
Hej Ib,
Tack för kommentaren på min blog. Wow, ser ut som om du har ett stort båtprojekt att handskas med! Jag avundas dig inte det arbeter du har framför dig. Vårt bakre sovrum är isolerat så under de riktigt kalla nätterna värmer vi det bara väldigt väl och låter resten av båten bli kall. Vi köper mer än tillräckligt med elektricitet i förväg så att det varar över vintern – på så sätt slipper vi den oron.
Tack än en gång och lycka till med båten,
In English:
Hi Ib,
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Wow, looks like you’ve got a big boat project on your hands! I don’t envy you and the work you have ahead of you. Our back bedroom is insulated so on the really cold nights we really just heat it well and let the rest of the boat get cold. We purchase more than enough electricity ahead of time to last us for the winter – that way we don’t have to worry about it.
Thanks again and good luck with the boat,
Ib Frohberg
Todd !!
Your Swed in some way ?
I had wondered about the insulation on a boat like that, does your heater have to run constantly to maintain a comfortable temperature for the little ones, or does the insulation in the back bedroom do well to keep the heater from getting overworked?