
A/C on an Alberg

We now have A/C on our Alberg. I got to feeling guilty about leaving my wife and child to stifle at the boat while I went off to work in the luxury of my air conditioned service van. So, to resolve my internal dissonance, I picked up a nice little 5200 btu window rattler and installed it in the companionway. I had been trying to figure out how to install a marine A/C unit on our little boat but was having problems getting by the cost of them much less where to install one. KISS (keep it simple stupid) came into play and for $150.00 cdn we are way cool. In fact, during the day A. has had to turn it down because it was getting too cold for comfort. I set it up on a rolling platform so that when we want to leave through the companionway, we simply roll it to the side and out we go. It will get left on the dock when we go sailing unless we are going for the night in which case I will put it in the lazarette for storage. I figure that for something that I might use for 4 or 5 weeks a year, I could not justify the expense of a permanently mounted unit plus the loss of space which on our boat is a precious commodity.


  • Ellen, John & Sophia

    I love the cart- what a great idea. Ours was a more permanent installation, but helped us survive a Florida summer. Too cool.

  • Dr. Linton Hutchinson

    I’ve had a similar problem with my current boat a/c air conditioner not cooling the entire boat – I purchased a hatch window ac cover from http://moby-cool.com and installed a widnow a/c unit that works like a charm in my forward hatch It looks great and I can still use my hatch – hutch

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