
We Live On A Boat

As we move through the stresses of life – A. and I have developed a little saying that we say to each other when we see the other getting too stressed about something. It is, “relax, we live on a boat.” This simple reminder has become a bit of a mantra for me especially when customers are pounding away or when something is stressing me to point of it boiling over into our family life. Relax, you live on a boat – just a reminder that we are living something that other people often dream of but rarely get to the point of actually doing. To us, it is easy to forget that we live in an unusual circumstance, one that others find adventurous and exciting but to us is just life – you know – normal. There are others that we look to for our dreams and wonder at their adventures and exciting lives. For instance this young couple who are currently sailing around the world on their catamaran. Now they are living an exciting and adventurous life! However, we too are living our own little adventure, so just to remind myself – one more time – “relax, we live on a boat!”

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